Offer Pay Per Call Services To Any Business! Add Your Logo, Charge A Fee, Private URL Log-In, Tracker And Call Recording!
Q.Can I charge any amount?
A.Yes! You can charge any amount you want whenever you want.
Q.Can I add my own logo?
A.es! You can add your logo so the client can see it at log-in and
Inside the portal. -
Q.Can the client track all activity?
A.Yes! They can track the number called, conversation recordings, fee deducted, duration, time stamp.
Q.Do they get a log-in link?
A.Yes! But you’ll have to set them up in advance. Then you can send them the
Link directly. -
Q.What’s our fee?
A.Your fee will always be WHOLESALE $0.02, you can charge any amount you’d
Like it all depends on the vertical. -
Q.Can clients see the total cost?
A.Yes! They can see the total amount they’ve paid.
Q.Can they add funds on their own?
A.Yes! They can add ANY AMOUNT no restrictions.
Q.Do I have to buy the number?
A.Yes they are renting from you. You fee is $2 (never changes) you’ll make that back per call. Keep in mind we don’t charge a ridiculously monthly fee.
Q.When does call lightning pay?
A.We pay you fridays at 3PM EST. You just need to make sure you’ve made at least $100 or more. We pay on a weekly basis. So lets get to work!!! 🙂
If I need help will you support? Support@calllightning.com our PAY PER CALL members are top priority!