
[faq q=”What’s Red Torrent Media’s ultimate goal?
“]We consider ourselves a business development and technology company.
Striving to give consultants exactly what they need for different scenarios.
Software, automation, leads and training we’ve got you covered!
[faq q=”How long has the community been been around?
“]We’ve been actively running for about 9 years! So we’ve been in this space
For sometime.
[faq q=”How many people are inside the Red Torrent Media community?
“]Rite now we have over 20,000 community members (and those numbers continue to climb.)
We consider ourselves more of a family then a community.
[faq q=”Do you guys have a community blog or forum?
“]Yes! We actually do via GuillermoMata.com or OfflineMarketingForum.com. You’ll
Find a lot of interactive social activities happening in these both places.
[faq q=”How do we get in touch with Red Torrent Media LLC or Guillermo?
“]You can always email booking@redtorrentmedia.com regarding any coaching queries.
Or you can email support@redtorrentmedia.com for any questions or concerns relatings
To any of our products.
