Red Torrent Media LLC - Contributors Program (Invitation)
Congrats! If your on this page it’s because you’ve been personally invited to join our contributors program. Take a minute to review everything inside our portal contributors portal!
We’re excited to introduce this opportunity exclusively for our dedicated Red Torrent media members. For years we’ve been public with our platforms, content and training. We’ve decided this year it was best to distribute content internally while revamping the way we support you.
What is a Red Torrent Media Media LLC contributor?
Think of it sort of like being a part of a board of directors with a ton of perks!
The Red Torrent media LLC contributors program was designed exclusively to provide you with internal resources, individualized support, networking, training, mentorship, guidance and the opportunity to take advantage of our platforms easily.
As you may already know we don’t charge a penny on a monthly scale to sustain our platforms and to distribute content to you. We don’t intend on changing that, keeping our commitment to all of our members.
Contributors play a big part inside of our Red Torrent Media LLC community! all contributions by our members keep everything within our community up and running smooth, while at the same time providing tailored support in a way that is improved, faster, responsive, strategic and overall supportive long-term.
Before we get you started it’s important to understand that all content inside our our portal will not go public and it’s only for our contributors, We’ve opted to go completely private so all you’ll see NOV 1st is only major announcements on our outlets and all other content will be privately held inside the contributors portal.
Inside our robust portal contributors have the opportunity to work with us by forming strategic assignments, setting up live sessions, internal support and beginning the process of bringing our platforms together for your own clients and future plans.
Red Torrent Media LLC Members Portal
Where do my contributions go?
Your contributions go a long way and ensure that all of the platforms you utilize today run effectively, you may also make beta requests which will be honored and reviewed for possible implementation.
Here’s a detailed breakdown:
- Communicate with Guillermo and head associates as needed by phone, sms and screen sharing.
- Contributors may take advantage of internal networking opportunities with us and other like minded members.
- Together we’ll form and provide you with strategic assignments, resources, promo-codes and videos.
- Get in touch with us while on the road! connect with us via our mobile app contributors chat.
- Take advantage of our live sessions and our interviews on the go, plus robust features that will be added.
✔️ Contributors Dashboard
Form and track all assignments with our team strategically! Track if you're hitting your mark or not. consistency is key and we make sure that together you're moving forward.
✔️ Contributors Messaging
Our messaging system allows you to add video, attachments and lots more! Scale this opportunity as it’ll allow you to speak internally with Guillermo and developers. Use this chat to set up appointments via screen sharing, build relationships and share information.
✔️ Contributors Video Feed
Strategic videos will be posted internally, announcements occasionally may be posted on our channels. Our video feed keeps you up to date automatically. Discover how to’s, strategies and many ways you can scale long-term.
✔️ Contributors Chat
Our open chat feed will allow you to build and have open discussions with members about the current climate in digital marketing, networking, small businesses and more.
✔️ Contributors Announcements
Keep updated daily on our internal updates including beta, news, testing and more! these updates are exclusively for our contributors only and will not be seen publicly. Stay ahead!
✔️ Contributors Promo Codes
Promo codes! Our contributors save in the long run on any of our releases and future courses. This also comes with an automatic credit applied toward any of your accounts with us.
✔️ Contributors Promo Codes
Promo codes! Our contributors save in the long run on any of our releases and future courses. This also comes with an automatic credit applied toward any of your accounts with us.
✔️ Contributors Management
We offer any array of platforms from programmatic advertising base to leads based. We wanted to provide you the opportunity for us to not only guide you through our platforms but to help you further understanding campaigns, functionalities, logs and more.
Meet Your Mentor & Guide!
"Guillermo here!
I'm the president/ceo at Red Torrent Media LLC built in New York City and now based out of Dallas, TX.
I own multiple platforms and agency + operate a digital marketing platform helping over 20,000 marketers worldwide in many different verticals.
I've taken a lot of hits on so you don't have to repeat them...
My word to you is that I will serve you not just as a guide but as a mentor and lead ensuring you 10X your business in no time."
With the right support no limit to the things you can do...
Here's a look at what our sessions look like!

It’s a passion of mine to be able to help people that actually want to be helped and take action. When my student charisse reached out to me she was just a nurse wanting a better life for her and her child. And I’m extremely blessed to be able to come into her life an support her through that journey. Not only is she almost at that finish line but now she about to launch her own local consulting company in a huge market. I’m extremely proud of you!
Red Torrent Media Student: Charisse Craig
Robert Wilson out of the United Kingdom wanted to start a local marketing ad agency. I’m super happy I was able to help him reach that goal! In just a couple of weeks of hard work and dedication take a look at these impressive results.
Red Torrent Media Student: Robert Wilson
Sid Lloyd very ambitious local marketer from Atlanta came to us seeking improvement and growth. And after following our foot steps he managed to close a local contractor in just a couple of weeks (2 weeks to be exact) I’m super happy I got a chance to witness his growth.
Red Torrent Media Student: Sid Lloyd
Jonathan is a very good friend of mine out of the United Kingdom. He was also one of my favorite students to work with. Jonathan already had all the tools he needed to launch a successful product online. But he needed a second opinion and so he brought me on board guide and over look his launches. Today Jonathan is one of the most respected guys in the digital world today.
Red Torrent Medias Students: Jonathan Oshevire
I enjoy creating tangible products that are going to give people results. Andre, Derby & Maribel all had the same intentions. And I had the privilege of not just coaching but working very closely on product creation with this group of awesome marketers. These guys have gone off to launch their own products in various marketplaces successfully. If it’s one thing they all got from me is that you must do what you love and do it well in order to succeed.
Red Torrent Media Students: Derby Perez, Andre Tobar & Maribel Tobar
Register below to become an official Red Torrent Media LLC contributor for just $24.99 PER MONTH. HURRY BIG CHANGES COMING NOV 1ST
Join others who are looking to achieve just as much as you...