Take A Minute To See What These 30 Minute Strategy Sessions
Have Been Able To Do For Members Of The Red Torrent Media Family!
When Charisse Craig reached out she was just a single mom and nurse at a local New Jersey medical office. She wanted to take what she already knew in the medical field and create a marketing agency. We gladly made that vision possible for her. After just 2-3 months after working together she launched her own marketing agency in NJ and now actively landing clients.
(Student) Charisse Craig - Jersey City, NJ
Derby, Maribel and Andres all local marketers all with several things in common. They wanted to close more, launch and scale out their businesses. After 6 straight intensive months. They’ve all taken off like never before!
(Student) Derby Perez - Odessa, Fl
(Student) Maribel Tobar - Orlando, FL
(Student) Andres Tobar - (Traveler)
Jonathan Oshevire! was one of our students. Joshua wanted to leave his 9-5 corporate job and kick start his own digital launch business. After just about 4 months he managed to launch his first product pulling in over 450 sales $10K In revenue. Jonathan has never looked back thanks to our help.
(Student) Jonathan Oshevire - London, England
Robert wilson like many of our students already was a skilled marketer but was looking to better improve his Facebook ads skills. He was paying way too much For clicks. After following our crafted courses in the ads space he managed to now only lower his cost per click. But he’s not crushing it with facebook ads!
(Member) Robert Wilson - London, England
Sid Lloyd was already doing pretty well with landing clients locally. He wanted to scale up his agency. After purchasing one of our digital courses he managed to triple his client landing rate. (Take a look at the snap shot!)
(Member) Sid Lloyd - Atlanta, Georgia
Red Torrent Media LLC Coaching Students
We like to look at ourselves as more of a family here...